TNT Weekends- Make Your Own Stress Ball

You see them in dollar stores, at the cash registers at some stores. Most people think of a stress ball as something pointless to buy…but what about making your own?

The act of even just making your own stress ball can be a de-stressor. Having set instructions, that are easy to follow, and no way to really vary from them can be a nice change, no need to think of the “best way” to accomplish something, it is already done for you. I know for myself when I am doing something that has a set plan (as an example making a cake which has a set recipe, crocheting a blanket that has a set pattern) let’s me feel like I can have a break from over thinking, and stressing.

So how do you make, and what do you need to make a stress ball?

tumblr_m7fndtQvvr1r7cv7so1_500 (1)Materials:

  • Several balloons  (the type used at parties is just fine)
  • Sand, sesame seeds, flour, rice, or birdseed
  • About a tablespoon of cornstarch
  • A funnel (you can create a funnel by cutting the top off of a soda or water bottle)
  • A Sharpie


  1. Take one balloon and blow it up, then let the air out.  This will stretch the balloon out and make it easier to fill.
  2. Use a funnel to fill it with sand, sesame seeds, flour, rice, or birdseed until it is about the size of a baseball.
  3. Tie a knot to close the balloon once it is full, trying to leave as little of a “tail” as possible.
  4. Dust the surface of this balloon lightly with cornstarch, to make the surface less sticky.
  5. Blow up and deflate a second balloon.
  6. Decorate the second balloon however you’d like.
  7. Cut off the narrow end of the second balloon and stuff the first filled balloon into the second decorated balloon.

Have you ever used a stress ball? has it helped? did you try  to make your own?

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